Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

1. Apple With Nut Butter

In one study, consuming an apple before a meal resulted in a 187-calorie reduction compared to not eating an apple beforehand. I enjoy adding nut butter to pears because the added healthy lipids and protein help me feel full for hours.

2. Prunes

Individually wrapped Sunsweet Ones prunes are one of my go-to treats for satisfying my sweet tooth while adding fiber and beneficial vitamins and minerals to my diet. I keep these shelf-stable snacks in my car, in my office, and in my carry-on bag when I fly.

Each prune contains 25 calories and is rich in fiber. As a gratifying snack, I typically consume four to six prunes (100 to 150 calories and 4 to 6 grams of fiber) along with some almonds for additional protein. The fiber in prunes will help you feel satiated for longer while regulating your blood sugar.

3. Cottage Cheese With Berries

Studies indicate that high-quality dairy protein can aid in satiety. Plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are two of the finest low-calorie, high-protein foods with minimal or no added carbohydrates. Not only will the protein make you feel satiated for longer, but the amino acids in these foods have been shown to improve muscle recovery and development after exercise.

4. KIND Minis

A key characteristic of the healthiest munchies that can help you maintain a healthy weight is portion control, which prevents excess. KIND Minis are one of my fave snacks between meals. Depending on the flavor, each bar contains between 80 and 100 calories and is half the size of an original KIND Bar.

I purchase a variety bundle containing my preferred flavors, such as Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Nuts and Sea Salt. They are wholesome and tasty, and they satisfy my demands for something chocolatey and delectable. The Minis contain fiber and protein for increased stamina.

5. Oatmeal

Due to the oat beta-glucan fiber and protein it contains, oatmeal is not only an excellent choice for breakfast, but also a nutrient-dense, satisfying sustenance. According to studies, eating a serving of whole-grain oatmeal delays digestion, reduces hunger hormones, and keeps you full for hours.

A sachet of unsweetened oatmeal contains between 100 and 150 calories, 3 to 4 grams of satiating fiber, and 4 grams of vegetable protein. I frequently top my oatmeal with nonfat basic Greek yogurt for added protein and satiety. I always bring instant oatmeal sachets in my carry-on bag when I travel because I know I can get hot water anywhere and enjoy a filling snack on the go.

6. Hummus and Pretzels

I consume a predominantly plant-based diet, so I frequently consume hummus for its protein and fiber content. These refreshment containers contain 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, allowing me to feel full for hours.

The pretzels complement the chickpea and tahini-based dressing perfectly. Hummus is an excellent source of protein, fiber, iron, and B-vitamins. The Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming 1 12 cups of legumes per week due to their unique health and nutritional benefits. Snacking on hummus and vegetables or pretzels can assist you in reaching this objective.

7. Pistachios

I purchase individual servings of flavored Wonderful pistachios and keep them in my car, gym purse, and office. Pistachios are an excellent source of complete protein and fiber, two nutrients that aid in satiety.

Depending on the flavor, a package contains 120 or 130 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber. Pistachios are nutritionally dense, containing over 30 essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

8. Crispbreads With Toppings

As a lower-calorie alternative to my beloved whole-grain toast, I frequently graze on two whole-grain Swedish crispbreads topped with nut butter and banana slices or avocado, tomato, and fresh mozzarella.

On a crispbread, you can savor any sandwich filling, albeit with fewer calories and more fiber. Crispbread “sandwiches” are a delectable and satisfying mini-meal, and the crisps contain approximately 30 calories and 2 grams of fiber per serving, whereas a slice of bread contains approximately 80 calories.

9. Popcorn

I frequently forget how nutritious popcorn can be because I typically associate it with the theater and butter and seasoning. However, if you prepare popcorn at home or purchase ready-to-eat popcorn, it can be a relatively low-calorie nibble.

One container of Skinny Pop Popcorn contains 100 calories and 2 grams of fiber per serving. In addition, popcorn is a source of whole grains, antioxidants, and B vitamins. Popcorn is a lower-calorie alternative to potato or tortilla crisps and other salty treats, in my opinion.

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1 Comment

  1. Sounds good to me. But in a nursing home we get what they serve.

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